Three types of illuminati agents are working overtime to complete the destruction of Israel agenda: the Vatican; the iranian leadership; and the most important of them all, the Israeli leaders. Because the most efficient agents are always the traitors, acting from within. Explained COMPLETELY FIRST long agoand so far ONLY by the same prophet who decoded the illuminati code for the "Panzer Kardinal" Natzinger, the day before the illuminati "elected" him.

Jun 6, 2007

Jerusalem, Western Wall liberated: one generation later to the day, treasonous Knesset, Israel government, hide it

Jerusalem, Western Wall liberated, 40 years to this day, or one generation in the Bible. (1)
40 years later, the illuminati erased from your memory David vs. Goliath 1967, aka Six Day War. (2)
In the process, the Knesset Israel traitors (3), the most important illuminati agents in the destruction of Israel, can now afford to even forget about it this very day (4).
Anything is possible once the sheeple have accepted the mark. (5)

(1) Photo: Zion Karasanti, Yitzhak Yifat and Haim Oshrí, IDF soldiers at Jerusalem's Western Wall shortly after its capture, 7 June 1967.

(2) The Illuminati could not rewrite the facts in one generation. It was a war that involved too many countries, the dimension of the victory of David was unprecedented in History.
No wonder, that victory was a milestone in the History of End Times.
So the illuminati just erased it from the memory of their sheep, by keeping silent about it.
Especially important in Israel, as the illuminati gave back the Sinai 20 years ago, the milestone setting the foundations for the new process, the destruction of Israel.

(3) 1998-1999; 2007: Great King ressucitated instead of Enslaved World - 1947-1948; 1949: State of Israel instead of completion of Jewish Holocaust

(4) Check the yesteryear section, at the knesset home page:

(5) 2005, August: the israeli sheep watch in silence the goverment terror against the last Gaza settlers, hours before the Gaza synagogues are reduced to rubble.

In Forums

Apr 15, 2007

Last planned Pope Benedict XVI turns 80 - Tu es Petrus, Du Bist Petrus - the Horrible Truth about self fulfillment of the "St. Malachy" Prophecies

From webarchive link, Apr 15, 2007, use google to translate this:

In particular this:
Bei der Messe wurde die eigens für den Geburtstag des Papstes komponierte Messe „Tu es Petrus" von Wolfgang Seifen uraufgeführt.

De Predigt hielt Joachim Kardinal Meisner von Köln.
Der Heilige Vater sei der „Mozart unter den Theologen" - predigte der Kirchenfürst: „Seine Worte klingen den Menschen wie Musik in den Ohren und Herzen."
Kardinal Meisner hat dem Papst auch ein persönliches Gratulationsschreiben geschickt. Den Text des Schreibens verriet der Kirchenfürst in der 'ARD'-Talksendung 'Beckmann' vom morgigen Montag. Das teilte die Redaktion vorab am Sonntag mit.

In seinen Glückwünschen verglich Kardinal Meisner den Papst mit dem Heiland:
„Heiliger Vater, wenn Jesus achzig Jahre alt geworden wäre, dann würde er aussehen wie Du. Denn Du lebst in achtzigjähriger inniger Gemeinschaft mit dem Herrn."

The horrible truth about the joke planned for the celebration of 80th birhtday of "Glory of the Olive" or "Gloria Olivae". Telling to the sheep what Matt Marriott explained a few days before he was "elected" (1) and two years later nobody else echoed.

Ratzinger was assigned the role of Glory of the Olive: the destruction of Israel and the completion of the destruction of the Catholic Church.
The "Gloria Olivae" role, which is also in fact "Petrus Romanus".

End Times Reductionism also in the script for the self fulfillment of the "St. Malachy" Prophecies? Not really. Just "Back into the Future" mind control.
(1) BEFORE Ratzinger was elected, Apr, 18 2005, 08:36 AM
Illuminati reveal identity of last Pope hours before Conclave opens - satanic "times" line
